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Annie’s Story

By: Annie, Mission Resident

What I was really looking for was some sort of Christian immersion program where I could advance my walk with Christ, through prayer and work and learning in the Word. Disability had put me into early retirement. I was a new Christian and COVID had set me adrift from my church. I was bored and spiritually hungry. What I found was that there are places you can go for that, monasteries and such, but I didn’t have the money for that kind of thing. A couple poor choices later, I found myself homeless and a genuine candidate for the services of GRM.

I work at the Mission’s Booth Thrift Store where I am able to do humble work and focus on my spiritual growth. It is a prayer answered. Imagine being able to just stop your labors and pray with your boss! Greg’s spiritual leadership is invaluable to me, and he creates an environment where I can earnestly wear my faith on my sleeve without fear.

On a more personal note, during the time I’ve been here, I experienced the sudden, unexpected death of my son. A more devastating loss I could not have imagined, and yet the support I’ve received both in the house and at work has been equally unimaginable. My grieving is taken in stride, which makes me able to keep moving forward. Greg may walk up and find me in tears at my work station, trying to soldier through. And he’ll ask, “Do you need to take a minute? Would you like to pray?

I can’t conceive of that happening anywhere else. I always accept the moment of prayer, and Greg’s words have always restored my confidence and faith in the Lord’s tender mercies. I can keep going because of this kind of support.

I treasure the fact that I can remain productive in my work and in my walk with Christ, and to find purpose in my Christian experience and testimony, enabling me to truly bring beauty from ashes.

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